Lifting Skills and Productivity
from Good to Great
Lean Transformation
We will work with you and your staff to transform your business through Lean. Working with a Lean consultant renders much better results than trying to do it alone.
Day Courses & Workshops
Day Courses and Workshops provide an opportunity to educate your staff a few at a time in key topics. These courses are uplifting & engaging and suitable for everyone.
Short Courses
Our Short Courses are designed to either be run as stand-alone courses or in conjunction with a Lean Transformation.
Short courses run from 3 - 5 days long.

Go on, put us to the test. Ask us any question you like about Lean and we will answer it for free!
These clients have worked with the Lean Group to improve the efficiencies in their businesses.
“Lean Group train everyone from the top down, giving everyone the same set of principles on which to make decisions.”
– Industrial Tube Manufacturing
“…we have appreciated how the programme takes a wealth of knowledge and allows it to be tailored in a way that creates ownership and engagement.”
– Aiden Tapping, CFO/Executive Director, Wallace Corporation

Lapland Goes Lean-Part 2
In the December 2014 the newsletter I provided some information regarding Lean implementation at Santa’s Grotto in Lapland. I recently visited again to see how progress had gone over the preceding two years. Santa comments that the number of improvements from the Elves has quadrupled over the last two years, a significant number are raised […]
Lapland Goes Lean-Part 1
I recently had the privilege to visit a Lapland organisation and talk to their founder and CEO, Father Christmas. The opportunity arose when I was doing some research for the December Newsletter and found that Saint Nicks organisation has been doing Lean since the early 70’s. He explained that with the growth of commercialism in […]

Latest Lean Update
During my reading of blogs and emails looking for something to put in the roundup I found this article on American Leather, a furniture manufacturer. If you read the article you will find the owner, Bob Duncan started the company in 1990 after realising that most suppliers in the furniture industry used batch production and […]