February Lean Round UP

Coffee and Visual Controls


So a new year and a difference approach to the newsletter. A more rapid fire style with links to Lean items of interest, funnies, resources and stories.

Lets start with an excellent example of how to explain waste from Bill Waddell. Bill is a superb Lean advocate, with a particular focus on Lean Accounting and has visited New Zealand a few times over the years. Check out his short video Waste

People often ask if Lean works in healthcare, and when the pressures are right it certainly can. Lean has a big focus in the USA thanks to the high costs of healthcare and litigation. Have a look at the Viriginia Mason Institute website to see there approach.

In terms of visual management this photo is an excellent example of how to make sure the customer gets the one they ordered, and makes it easy (visual) for the staff to understand which is which.

So, you want to understand a bit more about Toyota, there respect for workers, standardized work and learning. Take a look at this recent interview with Ian Hurst and Keith Edwards from the Toyota Lean Management Centre.

This post was created by Drew Locher and came to me via Mark Graban. Its an interesting observational piece about how Lean trainers (internal & consultants) can get it wrong and need to be more flexible in there approach, and perhaps even learn a bit more about Lean.

Finally, as a New Year gift please check out the resource page of the new website, you will find many of the templates you need to complete a Waste Hunt and a 5s Audit.

If you have a particular interest please let me know and I can see what I can find.

Take care,
